WESLEY Fundraiser Agreement
1. You agree to hold a fundraising event for the cause of your choice using WESLEY as the entertainment program for the event.
2. You agree to promote the event widely among churches to make it a success.
3. Foundery Pictures will ship you, at no up-front cost, a comprehensive Fundraising Kit that includes: a specially licensed exhibition DVD (or Blu-Ray) of the movie, an exhibition license for the event, TWO full color theatrical posters, ten smaller (12x18) full color bulletin board posters, a PR package with pre-written press releases and suggestions on how to promote the event locally, and digital art for newsletters and a suggested newsletter article. You will be able to purchase additional posters at a discount.
4. At the fundraising event, you agree to take up a freewill offering.
5. The resulting offering will be split, with 50% going to Foundery Pictures as rental fee for the exhibition of the movie, and 50% to the cause of your choice.
6. You agree to provide a report to Foundery Pictures that includes total attendance and total amount raised at the event.
7. Reports of attendance and total amount raised are due fifteen days after the event.
8. Payment for the event must be received within thirty days of the event.
That's it - there is no up-front cost to your church or district. There is no restriction on the choice of causes for fundraising, that must be a local decision that all of your congregations can truly support.
A minimum of 6-8 weeks lead time is recommended for proper promotion and planning of the event.
PLEASE NOTE: The home licensed DVD that is available from Vision Video is not licensed for exhibition and may not be used for any exhibition purposes, either in theatres or churches or Sunday School groups without purchase of a separate license. The movie may be exhibited to the public through a theatrical agreement, a special Academic License for colleges and universities, a special Church License, or through this fundraising program.
As a part of this special fundraising program, you will be issued an EVENT CODE and access to a special website where you can order DVDs of the movie and related items on consignment (again, no payment is due up front) and at a bulk discount. A specific group (such as a youth fellowship or camping program) can take the responsibility to sell these the day of the event. The profit can either be used to aid the main cause of the event, or for a program of the group that runs the sales table.
In addition to the home edition DVD of WESLEY, we have available a number of related items of interest, including the original movie soundtrack CD, DVD programs about Charles Wesley, about the Moravians, and the informative coffee-table book Wesley Country by Richard Bewes.
Ready to register? Click HERE to sign up for the FUNDRAISING PROGRAM!
Just want to be able to show Wesley to your congregation without doing a fundraiser?
Check out our Church Exhibition License!