About Showing WESLEY in Your Church.
A special affordable license is required to exhibit the motion picture Wesley to a church or Sunday School group. The HOME EDITION, released last year by Vision Video,
is only licensed for personal home use and may not be exhibited to
church groups or Sunday Shool classes without the purchase of a
separate Church License. This is true for all movie DVDs! Please be aware that Wesley is not covered by the CVLI License!
Affordable License
Recognizing that smaller congregations should not be required to pay the same
as much larger congregations, we have designed our Church License
program to be based on the average attendance of the congregation.
In addition, we have made the license a PERPETUAL SITE LICENSE
rather than a single-performance license as is true for many movies, so
that you may exhibit the DVD on your site whenever you wish without
paying an additional fee.
Average Attendance | License |
100 or less
Over 300
Why is this necessary?
Federal and international copyright law make a very clear distinction
between a movie DVD which can be viewed by your family in your living
room and any sort of public exhibition. Public exhibition
requires a separate license arrangement in all cases. LEARN MORE!
Second, producing a quality movie such as Wesley is quite expensive -- but it does not have the mass sales appeal that will allow us to sell millions of copies. 
In the meantime, we have also implemented a carefully designed Fundraiser Program that will allow your district or a group of churches to publicly exhibit the movie as part of a fundraiser -- at no advance cost to your district or churches!
Be aware that when you sign up for this program, we assign an exclusive
license for your area and may not exhibit the movie in a first-run
theatre in your area anytime during or following your fundraiser.
Fundraiser licenses can only be granted in areas where we do not have
an existing first-run agreement with a theatre.
In addition, we can share the exciting news that Asbury Press
is planning a special STUDY EDITION with extensive additional material
and a study guide/teacher's guide that will be perfect for use in
Sunday School. The release date for this edition has not yet been
Earn all you can.
Save all you can.
Give all you can.
- John Wesley